
Monday, January 18, 2010

The collection of funds effectively - without begging

To begin Tis' the season for holiday appeal letter that arrive in your mailbox and your in-box.

The big charities have written their letters, had ordered their lists, and earned his award for the week. But even small nonprofit organizations will probably start only to do about it.

When not engaged in a profit fully run by volunteers, so that the number of tasks, always prevails over the number of volunteers willing to do them.

And as for writing - the majorityI'd rather scrub the bathrooms.

If you have the short straw and has the task of you, here are some tips to consider:
Begging is not. It suggests that donors are disorganized, and perhaps even wasteful.

Yes, I know that you are writing, why your company needs money. But you must not say so. Instead, you must know your donors to thank for their support so far (if still there), and continue to show them that they are a part of something wonderful.

You have to draw themselveswith a story and show them how their donation is helping someone - be it a child, a disabled person, a dog or a tree. Yes, I know - a broad definition of "person", but you see what I mean. Show that the support you get makes a difference and let your donors are proud to have been a part of it. Remember, you are trying to stir emotions that checkbook open.

Retracing the events of recent years, and choose some details, the specific success. Then talk. AvoidTemptation to humans or animals, or even the forest and lakes in a group. One can say that later, but concentrate on a specific event.

Who knows how to show why, but tests conducted by major charities that people react more strongly conditions of a child, a dog or a homeless person than they react to news of a mass tragedy. Maybe because they know they do not donate enough to save the world - they can, but enough to be a difference in a person.

MaybeMasses due to any kind are impersonal, but an individual with a face and a name is very personal. However, evidence shows that it is true.

I've seen it happen here with our local animal rescue. The whole town knows of news articles, that there must be dozens of dogs and cats need every day of the week, and some citizens to help them. But if a particular show, the animal with a sad story, to give the news, dozens of travel.

When we have a dog pregnantburied in a snowdrift, and saved, people also want to ask, without ever goodbye.

How would you like to ask for money without asking for alms? I ask them to continue this work, and save / help (still in the boxes below.) Note that I said to ask. You can not hint or expect that, after meeting to see what you are doing, they need to send money. They do not, if you ask.

Then do everything we can to make it easier for them. Include aReply coupon and an envelope addressed to your group. Do not stamp, but. Your donors will see that as a waste of money.

If you have a place on your website where you can click to make a donation, include the address of the site, where they are easily found.

One last thing to start - if the donations come in, send a thank you note within 24 hours. Do not wait and take the names of leaving a meeting and try to anyone, thank you notes to be found. It's too late. If you wantfaithful donors, who re-create, do it now.

And, of course, write the names and contact details for each donor, with the amount of their gift.

The only thing more expensive list letters of appeal is not mailing them - so get busy, and that the use of email.