
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Fundraising strategy for a not-for-profit

In every community there are a number of organizations which are known as not-for-profits. This non-profit organizations go through a series of legal obstacles to win the status of a 501 (c) (3). One of the ways in which a not-for-profit structure is different from their counterparts without a for-profit-making bodies of government. The board of directors of a non-profit receives no compensation, but still a governance and fiscal policies to monitor the operation.

In addition, a not-for-profit functions,To serve in a particular community, the suffering of the population. Often these services for individuals in the community without cost or expense are based on a sliding door. Therefore, the non-profit organizations are an essential part of every community.

However, as in recent times there has been a huge increase in the number of not-for-profits were. Although there are many advantages that a growing number of nonprofit organizations in the community, there is a considerable disadvantage. This serious drawback is theThat the resources are generally limited in each community and non-profits compete for the same dollar should be limited to charity.

E 'therefore important that the policy will not be achieved through raising funds to ensure the survival-for-profit and to meet the needs of their customers. Three steps to fundraising strategies include the formation of a committee for the development, training and development of a comprehensive plan of development.

Formation of a developmentCommittee

A Development Committee is a group of people recruited from the community, not-for-profit will need. The Development Committee may be present in both board members and board members.

In order to achieve the fundraising committee should consist of strategic development of a cross section of people who have different talents and resources to bring the mix. Accordingly, when the development committee of people who know thereThe people of wealth or the people of wealth.

In addition, marketing and public relations is an important role in the provision of non-per-message to raise the profit to the community for their financial support. Therefore, people could use in marketing or media experience to be part of the Development Committee, or working with the Committee on the development of the service on a marketing committee.

Development Training

To deal successfully with the assignment, it is important that peoplethe right training and tools to succeed. Therefore, developing staff and volunteers in the development process should be adequately trained in order to achieve the fundraising strategy.

This training can benefit the development of many seminars that will be offered, non-profit organization to increase its ability to raise funds. Or if there is no money set aside in the budget, so a possible suggestion for the development of education, training requestnot in competition, but was unable to raise funds for profit.

Fundraising global strategic plan

Finally, non-profit organization involved in fundraising strategy is successful, it is important that the fundraising plan must be comprehensive. This simply means that any revenue stream will be investigated, so that the optimal amount of money can be raised to meet the not-for-a declaration of intent without profit.

Basically, there are seven streams of revenuethat feed into a strategic plan for fundraising success. streams of income are important gifts, scholarships, participation in United Way, corporate gifts, events, gifts in kind and the charm of email.