
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Fundraising idea - Booster Club Fundraiser sports-based lottery

This is a continuation of a lottery is described in a previous article ezine process. For general information, raffle and general information about a sports-based lottery, be sure to read these articles:
Fundraising idea --- Rotary Club Fundraiser-in-use-Years 25 & id = 162,950

Each design has a price structure. The pricing structure may consist of small and large prizes donated by businesses and individuals. Another important source of money is donated"Services". For example, the owner of an aircraft / pilot was able to donate one-hour flight might be a catering service to give a dinner for four fantasy club members to serve dinner or a plumber can donate two hours of work. Just use your imagination for other ideas great prize! Do not forget small prizes as they can be very useful in prices. Many ticket buyers looking to win the prize, and remember only "win." Which is of benefit to future sales.

Of course, cash is king, because weThey all use more money. A typical lottery cash is the 50:50-lottery, for which we are all at one time or another, a ticket purchased. Could also be two or more prices. This type of lottery is ok, if the tickets are winners in a single event, like a dinner awards announced. However, what if the club wants to pay premiums weekly, and first winning it all end? Of course, the winners could be taken out of a hat, but where's the fun for the loser? The answer is with the baseRaffle on the weekly sports results. This type of "lottery" should be the thrill of the buyer, the results of a root team, if a particular result of his chances of winning will increase, so the losers will have participated. There are many fans of pro football, NFL football will be used as an example, although every type of sport or level of sport could be used. Do not despair at the apparent complexity of the procedure. At the end of this article will introduce software that not allWork.

General Ticket

First, the cards must be designed and printed. Typical details are entered on the ticket before the name of the club sponsors, sport, season, league rules, a list of prices charged to cost of each ticket, odds of winning any prize, and an optional information online. At the end of each ticket, a stub for the insertion of the purchaser's name, address and telephone number and name of the seller must be provided. The stub is designed for easy removal of the perforatedTicket seller.

Two teams, the time allowed for each week during the football season are on the back of the ticket, round trip with the serial number. "Every ticket is unique. Each week two teams do not happen again." The cards 'global' for one week, the total value of each of the two teams. For example, if both teams are in the first week in Green Bay and Miami, and Green Bay scored 21 points and Miami scored 7 points, the evaluation "deal" on this itemis 28 points.

Fronts extra ticket must be printed to allow the problems in the press back, and the replacement of lost and accidentally destroyed tickets. Printing paper, 10% more than necessary. So, when you need 496 cards, about 550 tickets. Add extra tickets at low cost.

Price Structure

Now the club must decide the amount of prize money to pay. To determine your club, who pay in price / performance compared to the profits that are made. To make the most of the clubs for 50%60% profit. Some clubs hire a professional organization that runs a lottery and make 75% (17% and 8% paid management fees.) If your club wants to pay are made for the benefit of 17%, then by 82% ( 83% in less than 1% of costs).

How to pay a lot of money to be determined for each price category. Eight price categories are possible:

1. Cards with the two teams, for a given week regular season ending date on which the sum of A) has obtained the highest score, b) the second highest score, or c) the lowest scorewins the prize amount is specified.

2. Random winner of the week (s), calculated using a random number generator. The number of random number generator is used as the ticket number. Repeat winners are not allowed. An analogy for the random number generator used the method is as follows: The winner will be picked at random from an envelope (envelope with the tags for each number of tickets sold). The same number of tickets is not allowed to win the money in case more than once (not back) tag on the envelope.

AlthoughAmount of money incidental weekly winners must be small, this is an example of a small prize, in which purchasers of tickets obtained on the quantity, and only the memory of having been "too much".

3. Cards with the two teams throughout the regular season, that a) the total points, or b) has the most total points wins. Teams that do not play (have a bye) are not used in the calculation. The other teams, use their scores for each week is displayed on the back of the ticket.

4.Cards with the two teams that have playoff for a particular week, when the sum of a) the highest score, or b) the lowest score wins the prize amount is specified.

Check the procedures for the treatment of ties, which are:

1. Bonds to be paid in full. All bonds taken for "the highest sum of points" and the "lowest points" receive the full amount for that price. If a tie for high score occurs, then no price (s) will be awarded for the total of the "second highest of all the points," if the price isused.

2. Ties split the combined prize money. Value for money is added up and divided by the winners.

Bound For example, if three pairs of teams have met the "highest", the prize money for the highest score and the 2 highest score (if used) is added and divided equally by the three winners. When he scored three pairs of teams for points "are tied for the lowest", the prize money for the lowest value is divided into three winners.

Determine the method of payment for unsold ticketsare:

1. Unpaid. If the winning ticket will not be sold, the winners of the unsold tickets are not paid.

2. Use of tickets sold next to come. If the winning ticket is not sold, the prize money goes to the runner (s). Typically, the winners of the unsold tickets do not pay, but the sponsoring organization may choose to pay the second place.

Ticket sales

The cards are available in larger retail chains (eg, 5, 10, 20, etc.), and a detailed account of the tickets should be distributedmaintained. Record of tickets allocated to each supplier. A sellout of tickets is accounting and payments easier.

Records paid for the tickets, even if they have money or selling paid by check. Simplifies the accounting department, where the collection is for groups of cards and not for one or two. The payment of tickets must be accompanied by a party stubs. The stub must be completed with the name and address of the purchaser and the name of the seller orInitials. Save each man back in numerical order for easy reference when you click the link with the winning ticket to win the people.

If the fundraiser is over, a group celebration. Thank you, all volunteers, vendors and purchasers of tickets. Confirm the maximum charitable events and give prizes.