
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fundraising Letter Templates damage his call non-profit and response rates

Fundraising letter templates are a mistake. They
Insult donors. Pretend to raise funds. And
not work. You can not generate sustainable returns,
Building and maintaining relationships loyal donors of mailing --
Fill-in-the-blanks letters. Here are some sounds
Reasons to avoid boilerplate complaints.

1. They are too general, by definition,

On the website of a coach is a collection of funds "very
letter requesting donation GeneralThey are
encouraged by adapting to "the details
are specific to your business. "The problem with
this approach is that non-profit
radically different.

What, for example, Mothers Against Drunk
Guides have in common with the Boy Scouts of
America? What are the common objectives, the Sydney
Opera, together with the National Rifle
Association? Could a "very general
Request donation Write to completion "and adapt them to
special needs, case for support, brand image, voice --
and the personality of each of these organizations? I
found this idea [Cloze] is

2. You are missing the main objective of raising funds

The goal of each Council to send e-mail is not
raise a gift, but received a donor. Are after
Donors, first, second, their donation. The
major gift> Fundraising is not the first, but the
Seconds. We can turn a gift of only about
every time. But it is always higher doses, where
Their challenge. And where to show your
Know-how. The great failing fundraising letter
Models is that they are only after money. Donors
The aim of this attitude when he read the letter
(assuming they do).

3. They treat the donors, such as a purse, not people

The only way you knowMoney without human
Contact is an automated banking machine.
Bank staff are personal. Automated Banking
The machines are impersonal. Just walk into your local
Bank every morning and count the number of management
People queuing for a plate. Choose
People on the car, because senior
Citizens are often alone. He needs human contact.
If you use generic approach donors, impersonal,
Copy and paste FundraisingLetter templates
treat them as automatic banking machines
should be easy, as has been said and cough
cash without delay. And who likes to consider that
How? [Do not choose a] me / you / us.

4. You're wrong sincere charity events

The biggest problem I have with fundraising
Letter templates is that they fool some fundraising
Officials think that an increase in funding through the post is simple.
All you have to do is copy andadd the following
Text into your word processor "," Fill the
Details that are specific to your organization "," Print
letters on letterhead of your company "
and close your letter this way: "Today, you can
an immediate difference in the lives of
[Homeless / orphans / etc] Every $ [amount] You Send
provides [specific products / services] to [number of
People]. "Then sit back and wait for your office chair
forSacchi e-mail donations from a
fervent donors.


Direct mail fund-raising, like all the fundraising
Relationships, not revenue. It is not possible to develop
Relationships based on trust and mutual respect, if your
Fund-raising methods are standard, impersonal and
disrespectful. There are no shortcuts to long-term
Retention of donors, despite what some publishers
Fundraising Letter Templates. Imply

New manual shows a better way

The best way I know to learn the craft of
Creating, writing and design of fundraising success
The writing is not to fill the gap, but fill your head
Examples of good letters, worked. Studio
success of direct mail appeals. Analyze why
worked. Put what you learn into practice.

Anatomy of a profitable Fundraising Letter,
The guide fourth Hands-OnFundraising series
has a line-by-line analysis of a successful direct marketing
E-mail fundraising package, the Habitat for Humanity
sent to potential donors. If you use the mail
Raise money, this guide will help you discover
What to do correctly and what to avoid. To learn more about this new manual on