
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Skin hygiene and acne control

This is a widespread belief among people who are concerned about acne that dirt is one of the main reasons for them, the fact that dirt is not the main cause of acne, while contributing to the severity of allergies and increase the skin rash problem can be eliminated simply by a daily shower and regular hygiene routine.

It 'obvious that our body is kept clean of paramount importance when it was fighting acne, breathing is very fundamental process that not only try through our lungs, but through our skin as well, you get the outer layers of skin oxygen directly from the context, if the level of dirt when breathing becomes obvious complications exist, such example, oxygen is not present, the dose needed to maintain healthy cell function.

The first page of acne development is the appearance of points blacks, most people the idea that dirt is the direct cause ofAcne pimples>, because of course the evil eye too, but that's not the case, the black surface inside the black head is caused by keratin, which is oxidized on their block, the breathing pores of the channel.

Facial cleansing to remove dirt from the hair follicles to avoid complications during an outbreak of acne, in some cases, penetrate through the pores of dirt and it is almost impossible to get without using a combination of a mild face soap and detergent. Most detergentsfor treating acne contain a certain amount of benzoyl peroxide, which kills the bacteria that cause irritation and inflammation.

If the bacteria is in the pores that cause inflammation, because it makes the hair follicles close, preventing the sebum, except when these bacteria are mixed with tallow, and thirdly, the combination is the birth of a Whitehead, accompanied by redness and pain might be too much.

If you suffer from acne regularlyIt is recommended that the towel around after cleaning the affected area may contain bacteria, bedding, and contribute to worsen their conditions of skin infections. In addition, if you are a type of makeup is always a good idea to wash before going to bed because our body temperature rises slightly when you sleep, so our skin and sweat, when a layer of cosmetic product that mixes at the disposal of these materials, welding, and temperature are slightly higherThe ideal conditions for bacteria to grow.

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