
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Non Profit Fundraising - 5 Low-Cost Ideas

Could your organization use additional funding, but has stuck with the same ideas to raise funds - that do not work? You are not alone. Many non-profits face the challenge of identifying the fundraising ideas that require little or no cost of funds. Here are five ideas at low cost.

1. A seminar, distance learning or Webinar

Many organizations have access to valuable know-how - even if you do not know - by the directors orVolunteers. Take an informal survey of your volunteers and board members - find out what skills they have. Once you have someone with experience (people usually pay) are identified, then ask them to do a seminar, distance learning or Webinar. The volunteer should be the provision of training and exchange of participants in making a donation to your organization.

2. Hosting a tea and Podcasts

Even in lean economic times, most volunteers or board members to be ready toHosting an event at low cost in their homes. For example, tea is pretty cheap, as a free podcast. Volunteers or board members could invite the circle of friends, serving tea and listen to a podcast about a topic important mission of your company. Of course, it would also be an opportunity for people to donate in order to offer your organization. Remember to make it easier for the volunteer or adviser - that provides the link to the podcast, brochures, information and other resourcesthey need.
3. Create a group fitness

Most people want to be in shape - with the code for weight loss "is". Your organization could be a gym "group" that provide support for people in this process. (Note: Be sure to check with your attorney and insurance professional about all the responsibilities.) It may be as simple as a volunteer with the organization of a group of people who every day walk to a local park. In exchange for accountability, participantswould make a donation to your organization, possibly on a monthly basis.

4. Enabling Student Groups

Whether it's middle schools, high schools or be st, students apparently inexhaustible source of energy and enthusiasm. And they are extremely creative and efficient. Give them a budget (which is $ 100) and give them the freedom to develop a strategy to increase up to a certaina lot of money within a specified period of time - you'll be surprised. Think also the determination of a parent or local level, the funds to increase the student fails to comply within a specified time. It 'a great motivator.

5. Create a Contest

Create a contest accomplishes two things. First, you must provide urgently. If the competition were unbeaten in the last 30 days the donors to take concrete action within a specified period. Creating urgency gets results. Second, tap intothe competitive position of nature most people are) (at different levels. The desire to "win" is in most of us, to use that for the good of all places. providing regular updates during the competition and prices (from a local company won) to keep people busy.

Remember: Any event or fund-raising campaign, which to choose, it is possible with the mission of the organization online. To your success!